Monday, August 26, 2019 easily abused power

When authority is abused through micromanagement, intimidation or verbal and or nonverbal threats, people/teams tend to shut down; inevitably they become unproductive.

Authority is a fragile gift; usually given from people who have trusted you to act on their behalf. Giving authority, or sharing authority can create business/team momentum. Using authority to micromanage usually destroys momentum.

Authority requires trust. It requires people having goals that are team-oriented, not "me" oriented. Growing a thriving team requires good communication. It requires team members focused on a group goal. Its members must be positive and provide an equal contribution. Thriving teams support its members. They are not self-serving.

Team building is a skillset that leaders are looking for. The antithesis of team building is team destruction. As I read a local news outlet regarding less than critical goals in our community, I couldn't help but think maybe some of our local people in authority positions should have a little self-reflection focusing on some of these thoughts. There is nothing more beautiful than a team that understands group goals. It has the power to make us flourish as individuals and as teams.