Thursday, February 15, 2018

Frustrated & Concerned

What can a country do when kids, crazed adults and sometimes foreign nationals decide to perpetrate a mass murder shooting. Where does this motivation come from? What is it the root cause of these actions?

As simplistic as it sounds, the true root of the problem is the heart. But how do you legislate or regulate the human heart. As a nation, has our hearts and minds collectively been turned over to a dark side? 

For sure, the narrative will be turned to the instrument that this troubled kid used. But can we not have  conversation about the heart....the root of the decision to use a gun to kill innocent people.

Does the media and video games have any culpability? Do they really have an influence over the minds of our kids? Have our children been desensitized to death and cruelty. For many of us middle aged folks, we don't understand games like Mortar Kombat or Resident Evil (Just to name a few). But they create an alternate reality where a gun is used to kill....kill....kill. Are you upset about that...or do you just call it fun and games or say "it's not real".

It will be easy...easy to politicize this mass murder. But when you uncover the real news about this most recent murderer, the signs, the social media post pointed to exactly what has happened. A troubled kid, a bullied killed who turned his angry passion toward violence and guns. 

As a parent, consider what you allow your children to consume their time with. The Proverb writer says " For as he thinks in his heart, so is he".  The writer also says " Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." What are we pouring into our children's heart?  

In the end, this kid was a disenfranchised young man. His heart was drawn to a dark-side. He was obviously depressed.

Debates are great. But in the end, I believe the indictment will land on the heart and all the influencing factors that go into shaping it. 

I am sad.....sad.

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